Terms and Conditions

This page provides information about the legal terms and conditions that apply to your use of the website.

By using this website, you will be confirming that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and that you agree to follow them. These Terms and Conditions may or mayn

  • By using this website, you will be confirming that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions and that you agree to follow them.
  • These Terms and Conditions may or maynot change keeping legalities in mind.
  • Even if you have already read these Terms and Conditions before, please ensure that you check back regularly to view any changes
  • By continuing to use this website after these Terms and Conditions have changed, you automatically have confirmed that you have read and understood, and agreed to be bound by, any revised Terms and Conditions.

Restriction on use of the www.hotelsanandreas.com services

  • We want all our visitors to feel safe and at ease while browsing our website. To ensure this, please make sure to read and follow these Terms and Conditions.
  • You may only use the website lawfully, for personal (non-commercial) purposes and in a manner which does not damage the website or infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any person, firm or company.
  • Users are permitted to read, print or download text, data and/or graphics from the website, for their personal and non-commercial use only. Any copies of these pages saved can be only used for subsequent viewing purpose or to print extracts for personal references.
  • You may not integrate the Hotel SanAndreas service into another internet/intranet except through our permission in writing from our customer relations department.
  • Unauthorized access, redistribution, transmission and/or dealing with any information contained in this website, re-production in any other manner, either in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited, failing which strict legal action will be initiated against such users.
  • You may not use any automated scripts, software, spiders or any other automated means to perform searches or copy content from Hotel SanAndreas. Any attempt to extract or download significant amounts of data from this website or to compile a database from data obtained from this website is strictly forbidden.
  • We ask that in using this website you show respect for other users and the property of others. You agree:
    • to behave in a respectful way to all other users, not to post or otherwise make available content which is, in our view, likely to impair others’ enjoyment of this website
    • to behave in a respectful way to all other users, not to post or otherwise make available content which is, in our view, likely to impair others’ enjoyment of this website
    • not to breach the law or encourage a breach of the law.
    • not to post or otherwise make available content which, in our view, portrays unacceptable violence.
    • not to post or otherwise make available content which is, in our view, abusive, offensive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or of a sexual nature, illegal, threatening, intimidating, in breach of privacy, confidentiality or third party rights or otherwise unacceptable.
    • not to behave in a way which is threatening, intimidating, harassing or bullying, offensive, abusive, defamatory, discriminatory or demeaning or to stalk or violate the rights of others including individuals’ privacy rights.
    • not to share any information which is confidential to any other person.
    • not to register as or on behalf of anyone else, impersonate anyone else, seek to take on a false identity or misrepresent yourself, your identity or your age.
    • not post or otherwise make available content containing financial information (such as account, credit or debit card details) or information which identifies an individual personally or is capable of identifying an individual personally (such as names, phone numbers, email addresses or postal addresses).
    • to respect information you obtain on our website and use it only in accordance with this User Code of Conduct and our Terms and Conditions.
    • not to advertise, promote or endorse any goods or services and
    • not use our website to send any chain letters, junk mail, ‘spamming’ material or any other form of bulk communication.
  • You are only entitled to use the information provided on the Hotel SanAndreas service in responsible ways and this information may not be used in any malicious, illegal or anti-social activity.
  • We reserve the right to suspend any accounts where a user has supplied Hotel SanAndreas with false information.

User generated content

  • This website also contains an opportunity for users to comment on, upload documents or share articles and posts on the website (“User Content”). Any User Content that is not your personal information will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. So long as the User Content remains on our website we may use, copy, distribute, modify, make derivative works from and disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose.
  • You confirm that all information and details provided by you to us (including on registration, if applicable) are true, accurate and up to date in all respects and at all times and that you will comply with Paragraph ‎2 (Use of this website and User Code of Conduct) or as set out elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions.
  • You further confirm that in relation to any material submitted to the website, you have the right to do so and have obtained all necessary licences and/or approvals. You acknowledge that you are responsible for the material that you share or post and that whilst we keep an eye on User Content, we may not check materials or details before they are published.
  • We may remove or block access to any User Content at any time. For example, we may do this where we reasonably believe that someone has broken the law, e.g. infringed a third party’s intellectual property rights or breached a duty of confidentiality. We can bear no liability in respect of any loss or damage suffered as a result of any of these actions.
  • It is information in the public domain, so we advise you to think carefully before choosing to share any personal information on the interactive parts of our website. It may be accessed by any person using the web in any part of the world and can be found using independent search engines. So, if you choose to post information to the interactive parts of our website, please be aware that you do so at your own risk and that it won’t be protected by Hotel SanAndreas. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

Third party content

  • This website will contain some content which does not come from us, whether such content is posted by users or otherwise comes from anyone other than us (together, “Third Party Content”).
  • Whilst we try to keep an eye on it, Third Party Content is not approved by Hotel SanAndreas and we have no obligation to police it. Personal views or opinions expressed in such Third Party Content may not represent the views of Hotel SanAndreas and does not constitute a recommendation, endorsement or guarantee by us of quality or accuracy. We shall not be responsible or liable for any Third Party Content or for the consequences of the use of it.
  • If you have any concerns about content appearing on this website, please click here to Contact Us. We reserve the right to remove Third Party content from the website with or without notice.

Links to other websites

  • Our website also contains links to other third party websites, resources, and partners. Whilst we hope you find them useful, we can’t endorse them and we reserve the right to remove a link at any time.
  • If you choose to access any of these links, you will be leaving our website. Of course we hope you come back and visit us again. As you go you should be aware that we don’t have any control over these third party websites. We are not responsible for the content, advertising, or information available from them, or for any dealings or disputes that you may have in relation to those websites.
  • We are also not liable for any loss or damage which may be suffered as a result of the use of such links and third party websites.
  • We encourage you to review the terms and conditions and privacy policy on any new website you may choose to access because our terms and conditions and privacy policy will no longer be applicable.
  • We would be delighted if you want to link to Hotel SanAndreas homepage, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. You will need our express permission if you wish to create a link that indicates any form of association, approval or endorsement from us. You can ask us through the Contact Us section of the website. We do reserve the right to withdraw linking permission for any reason without notice.


  • When using our website, you may receive a pop-up window. We don’t mean to surprise you. They are for things like competition entry forms and questionnaires to help us improve our service to you. Pop-up boxes from Hotel SanAndreas are clearly marked with a heading from us.
  • You might also get pop-up ads from third parties. These may appear due to software you have installed, deliberately or unknowingly, on your computer. Unfortunately, we cannot control these pop-up boxes because they haven’t come from us. And we certainly do not endorse any website or product which comes from these third parties. To read more about our Cookie Policy click here.


  • If you have trouble using our website with certain web browsers or other software or if you want to let us know how we can improve accessibility, please let us know by clicking here to contact us. Your feedback and suggestions will help us to improve our service to you


  • We use our reasonable endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on our website – Hotel SanAndreas
  • We does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, reliability or legality of any of the information contained in the Hotel SanAndreas
  • We give no warranty that the contents of this website are free from infection by viruses or anything else which has contaminating or destructive properties.

Website information and downtime

  • Please note that we may make changes to the website, its functions and services from time to time. The website may be unavailable occasionally for maintenance, updating or otherwise. Where this happens we apologise for any inconvenience caused. However, we are not liable for any loss, damages or inconvenience resulting from such unavailability.


  • For the purposes of this section you are a consumer if you access the website for reasons outside your trade, business or profession.
  • As a consumer you agree to use the website (or any part of it) in accordance with all applicable laws relevant to the location (jurisdiction) from which you access the website.
  • These Terms and Conditions and any dispute or claim in relation to them (including non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by English law and we reserve the right to bring proceedings in the courts in any location (the English courts, your country of residence or whichever forum) we feel is appropriate.
  • We always recommend that you should seek local legal advice, however please speak to us first if you have any concerns to see if they can be resolved.